Before You Start

🚨 Before You Start – A Reality Check

🛑 STOP. Before you judge, before you react—take a moment to think.

📌 This is not an attack on Norway. We are not here to overthrow the system or spread hate. Norway is one of the most advanced countries in the world in governance, education, and social policies. But even the best systems have flaws.

“You will never truly understand someone until you’ve suffered the same struggle or been caught in the same storm.”

🔹 Seeing Both Sides – A Balanced View

It’s easy to see NAV and Norwegian institutions as villains. Many decisions seem unfair, unreasonable, or even cruel. But before we jump to conclusions, let’s try to see things from their perspective.

They believe they are doing their job.
They believe they are helping.
They believe they are protecting the system.

From their point of view, they must balance social support and financial stability. If one person receives a single krone, it seems insignificant. But if 10 million people receive one krone, that’s 10 million NOK. Scale this up, and it’s clear why they try to minimize expenses.

⚠️ However, cutting costs should never mean ignoring people’s rights.

This is where we take a stand. We do not blindly defend NAV or attack them either. We do not accept unfair decisions, corruption, or systemic bias.

🔹 Justice for Everyone, Not Just the Wealthy

In Norway, your status often depends on the size of your wallet. If you are rich, people respect you. If you are struggling, you are ignored. Over the years, I have seen this pattern—money determines how people treat you.

But let’s ask ourselves:

  • Are they really wrong, or is this just how they were raised?
  • Are we perfect, or do we also make mistakes?
  • Is it fair that the law protects some while failing others?

⚠️ We are not against Norway. We are against the abuse of power.

We believe in democracy, fairness, and justice for all—not just for those who are “financially important.”

🔹 Why This Website Exists

I know what it’s like to fight alone. To feel abandoned, unheard, and trapped in a system that does not care. I had no one to help me.

Now, I have the chance to help others so they don’t go through what I did.

💡 We are here to help anyone in need—no matter where they come from. If we can make even a small difference in someone’s life, it’s worth it.

📩 If you need help, reach out. If you have a story, share it. If you have been wronged, fight for your rights.

🚀 Together, we can change the future.